Are you ready to

inspire and convert those unbelievers?

feeling overwhelmed

when speaking to an audience?

Hey! I’m Jef! If you’re in tech, feel passionate, but believe you’re not the type to be able to speak in front of an audience with skill and poise, I’ve been there and can help you.

I help analytical introverted IT leaders speak effectively and confidently, by finding their unique appealing style, so they can elevate their career or grow their company.

When you find your style, you’ll discover a way of speaking that you love and matches who you are. You’ll feel authentic and aligned. No more pretending, and welcome confidence! It’ll be a lot easier to improve from there. Not only you’ll never be boring, you’ll even stand out!

How to speak with confidence

You can start today by following the 3-steps process I share with you in the How to Speak with Confidence Free PDF.

Enter your email address and download it now.

Stage Fright: Your Ultimate Compass to Confidence and Success

You know this hellish sensation, stage fright, that builds up in your stomach before speaking up in a meeting or before a presentation. But think also about the sensation you feel before making an important phone call. Or before initiating a discussion with someone...