man with a compass as belly, representing stage fright

You know this hellish sensation, stage fright, that builds up in your stomach before speaking up in a meeting or before a presentation.

But think also about the sensation you feel before making an important phone call. Or before initiating a discussion with someone you find impressive, or attractive.

The usual physical sensations include increased heart rate, shortness of breath, trembling, sweating, dry mouth, gastro-intestinal issues, and muscle tension. The same sensations as performance anxiety.

If you go deep into what you feel in your body, you’ll realize that in all those situations, the sensation is the same.

There’s a common denominator to all those situations. Sensations don’t just happen. Your brain creates them. There must be a reason for your brain to create what you feel.

So why does your brain create this stage fright sensation?

The sensation you feel is your brain giving you energy to do something important.

Two arguments:

  1. This sensation is present only when you plan to do something that you don’t usually do, and for which there is something at stake.
  2. Every time I did what I considered when this sensation popped, I felt present, awake, and full of energy.

But things get even more interesting.

This sensation only appears when it’s something I can do, and for which the only reason I wouldn’t do it is because of self doubt. I can’t remember a case when doing it would have been impossible, or in which I objectively lacked knowledge. This makes me believe that this sensation is created by the brain only for situations where there’s certainty that it is the correct thing to do.

A little caveat here: it doesn’t mean it’s a certainty of success. It means that, given your experience and knowledge, the brain has computed that it is what should be done. This might even include gathering information by doing the action. Who knows what’s in this unconscious assessment!

That’s the reason I decided to follow those sensations, even actively looking for them.

The result?

Every time I followed this big sensation, I gained confidence. I had the feeling of realizing who I really was. I had the feeling of becoming who I was meant to be. And it opened so many opportunities, because I could talk to audiences and meet people I would never have met.

I finally felt the freedom I was looking for by reading books and meditating for years. And it came from a completely unexpected place.

The best? I felt this liberating sensation the first time I faced the fear.

It didn’t take years.

It wasn’t a destination.

It was the path.

It’s not about overcoming stage fright, it is about how you feel on the path.

Liberation from fear. Freedom of having more opportunities in life. Freedom of choice.

That’s what’s at stake. That’s what you get when you decide to follow Your Success Compass, the sensation building up in your body before high-stake moments.

If you want my help to use your compass, you can book a free 30 minutes strategy call with me. I’ll give you one or two impactful tips you can apply in your current situation, to feel this liberation and confidence, and create new opportunities in your life. Click here to book the call.