Blog: Passions and obsessions

Speak Up in Meetings: How to Improve Team Decisions

If you have a tech background, chances are you're not the type who talks endlessly during meetings. While you might not want to be that person, there are moments when not speaking up affects decision making in a negative way. Let's see how you can identify those...

Brain Digitalisation: A Highest Form of Consciousness?

What if we had complete control over our environment and ourselves? What if we could solve the endless problem of dissatisfaction? What if we could end suffering? There’s a solution that could address all those problems, and much more. By digitalising our brains, we...

The Freedom Paradox: Finding Light in Family Commitments

Here's a secret: during my darkest moments, I feel trapped, imprisoned in my roles of parent and husband. No one seem to talk about it, but I would be surprised if I were the only one. In the digital age, we have the possibility to enjoy a life of freedom as it was...