Geoffrey Huck – Tech Speaking Coach


I help analytical introverted IT leaders speak effectively and confidently, by finding their unique appealing style, so they can elevate their career or grow their business.


I can Help you if…

you get nervous and anxious in front of large groups, in high stake presentations, or if you want to present workshops and conferences.

I can help you transform your technical babble into a clear message delivered with confidence, by unveiling the orator hidden within you.

Here’s my story

I started as an extremely shy freelancer, working from home to avoid social situations, especially if it included more than one person! I guess that was the downside of being so passionate about computers from a very young age!

The anxiety I was feeling in social situations was so intense and so pervasive that I felt blocked in all directions. I remember all those times where I thought I could have done a better job than somebody else if only I could speak, if only I wouldn’t lose all my intellectual abilities whenever people were looking at me.

Fortunately, it was because the intensity was so strong that I decided to overcome it completely. I had to. I was fed up. I couldn’t stand imagining myself 30 years in the future with the same problems!

I made the decision I would not just outgrow shyness and anxiety, but overcome any blocks and fear that happened in all types social situations, including public speaking. By doing that, I realized I progressed way faster in public speaking than anyone else.

People started to ask me for advice. Only two years after I joined the public speaking club Toastmasters Strasbourg, the biggest public speaking club in the region, I was asked to become its president.

Since then, I have presented workshops to founders and tech leaders to help them speak effectively and confidently, I have coached them privately, and refined my methodology to help them achieve the same results even faster than I did.

Get to know me a bit…

Fun fact about me: I’m 160cm tall and used to believe my lack of confidence was due to my short size. I can assure you it wasn’t!

Another fun fact: I started to wear a hat with flowers in public because standing out made me feel uncomfortable. In the end, I made lots of friends!

I love to travel, discover places and put myself in silly situations. When you can just laugh about it, it makes a world’s difference.

My superpower is that believe everything can be learnt: knowledge, happiness, and even personality traits.

What you should do next…

If you’d like to learn more and see how my method can help you speak effectively and confidently…

Click here to schedule your FREE session with me to learn more about how you can speak effectively and confidently too—so that you don’t have to do it the hard way (like I did).