Take the Stage with a Confidence you’d never thought possible

Imagine This…

  • Instead of being nervous and intimidated, you’re effective and confident.
  • You look forward the opportunities to promote your business. Isn’t that how it should be?
  • They come speak to you after the presentation to ask how to work with you.

It might seem far away now but it’s way closer than you think.

I’ve been there too.

I used to feel overwhelmed whenever a moment to speak arrived. Feeling like losing my intellectual abilities whenever I had to explain something that I knew. In fact, it was so terrifying to me, and so pervasive in all areas of my life, that I had to overcome it at all costs.

So, did everything I was scared to do…


From singing karaoke, to organizing events, to… dancing on a cabaret stage on a cruise boat (it didn’t even turn that bad).

I even delivered a speech by screaming in the middle of a street.

You don’t have to do all of that (I’m not stopping you either).

From all those experiments, I devised a method with only what works and require the least amount of effort. Only the easiest and most effective things you can do to develop your unique appealing style.

And once you have your own style, everything becomes easier because you’ll love to speak and it’ll make people naturally draw to you.

At that point, you can work on the effectiveness.

Develop your style

That’s why I created Develop Your Style , a 3-month 1:1 coaching program, to help analytical introverted IT leaders find their own unique appealing style, so they can speak effectively and confidently in front of any audience.

And reach their next stage of accomplishment for themselves and for their company.

Your next level

With Develop Your Style, you’ll:


Take the stage with a confidence you'd never thought possible


Learn to captivate and inspire the audience

There are just so many boring interventions in tech. It’ll be a relief to attend yours.


Learn what works

Speaking from you heart is great but it’s enough to be effective.

Microphone on stage

Program Content

Here’s how working with me will take you from nervous and anxious before speaking in front of others, to effective and confident.

Month 1: You'll love to speak

Step 1: Speak with Enthusiasm and Passion

Step 2: Learn to Improvise

Step 3: How to Speak in Front of a Camera

Step 4: Craft Your Appealing Story


Month 2: You'll look appealing and natural

Step 5: How to Use Emotions

Step 6: Vocal Variety for Attention

Step 7: Rhythm and Pauses

Step 8: What to do with Your Body

Month 3: You'll be impactful

Step 9: Storytelling

Step 10: The Power of Contrast

Step 11: Structure Your Intervention

Step 12: Convert

The program will be further tailored to the type of interventions you need: corporate and board meetings, pitches, workshops or conferences.

What's included

12 x 50 min 1:1 call

All the magic happens here.

12 weeks unlimited email support

Ask me any questions about public speaking in general, or specifically for interventions you’re preparing.

Bonus: 12 x Key Takeaways Report, one for each session

So you’ll always have the content in hand, and don’t have to worry to remember what we covered during the sessions.

I frequently present to various audiences, but used to dread the preparation process, […] Jef helped me pinpoint the root of my anxiety and gave me practical tools to overcome it.

My presentations have become more engaging and authentic, and I’m much more comfortable initiating conversations – even with a room full of strangers at a recent conference!

I highly recommend him to anyone looking to elevate their communication skills – even those who already feel confident in their abilities.

Michael De Abreu

Principal Consultant, Solution Architect, 3rd Floor Solutions Inc. - Toronto

Working with Geoffrey has transformed my public speaking skills. His sessions were comprehensive and supportive, helping me overcome my fear quickly. Last week, I delivered my start-up pitch at the VC office in Berlin, and it was chosen as the VC’s favorite. Today, I can say that I am confident and slowly building the muscle to speak anywhere and anytime.

Chirag Somashekar

Innovation Design, Livspace - Berlin


What if it doesn't work for me?

Simple: If you follow the coaching and do the exercises, but are not satisfied with the results you get, you’ll get all your money back.

Do you also offer corporate group training?

Yes. For those, contact me directly on the contact page.

Ready to speak effectively and confidently?

Your future success is awaiting

How long are you willing to limit your achievements by not developing your public speaking skills?

How long are you willing to let your fears and current limitations drive your future?

How long are you willing to kill your success?

Now is the best time to take the driver seat and start your journey!