Journey into the wonders of computing

How to optimize a complex SQL query: Mindset and Strategy

Published on 12/12/2023

You know those crazy SQL queries. I recently optimized one of them for the project Algorea.

A service of the API was very slow and I’ve been asked if I can fix it.

I’ll describe here the process I took to do that. Along with the mindset I use when I’m facing such challenges.

I believe that the mindset is the most important part. It’s the secret that makes you better and motivated on the long run.


Machine learning derivatives

Published on 06/03/2021

Derivatives are frequently used in machine learning because it allows us to efficiently train a neural network. An analogy would be finding which direction you should take to reach the highest mountain but with the restriction of only being able to see one meter away. In this article, we will first recall the rules of derivatives and partial derivatives. Then we will feature a few derivatives of functions that are commonly used in machine learning.